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Course Creator Digital Marketing

An author, radio show host, and philanthropist created an online course to go with his latest self-help book.

Digital marketing strategy for this client included re-vamping his blog, creating enticing video shorts, and generating more activity on social media, as well as giving out affiliate coupon codes and doing paid social media ads.

Blog Posts

The blog posts that had previously been on the client’s website were vague and bland. I did a series of interviews with the client to make the articles more personal and relevant to his fan base.

Social Media Posts

After careful analysis of the data, the client’s Facebook page seemed to be the best place to market to the client’s fan base. We included links to YouTube videos, Instagram posts, blogs, and shared random thoughts with over 50,000 people. When the posts were more genuine, fans reacted better; engagement rose over 250% on the page.

Affiliate Offer Email

This email copy was sent out to people who had been guests on the radio show.