FAQ - Maxyne Misha Tanha

Q. How did you find out you have Celiac disease?

A. I went on a vacation to Scotland, and broke out in a full-body rash. After months of steroids and tests, the doctors finally figured out that it was Celiac Disease. You can read more about my journey here.

Q. Isn’t it hard to do gluten-free / grain-free / allergen-free diets?

A. Yes. It’s really hard. But what is harder was being sick all of the time. What would be harder would be to have arthritis and fibromyalgia and lupus and IBS and acid reflux and insomnia and panic attacks. So, I meal plan, live with like-minded people, and find simple foods that I can enjoy.


Q. What does your workout routine look like?

A. I was in a car accident in 2003 that severely injured my body and my brain. Staying in shape helps keep my body from being in too much pain. I do a combination of weight lifting, yoga, and everyday activities like hiking, biking, and walking the dogs.

Q. You have a wheat allergy and celiac disease? Aren’t they the same thing?

A. Yes I’m both allergic to wheat and diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I’m just that special. No, a wheat allergic is not the same thing as having Celiac Disease. They both require avoiding wheat, but they are very different reactions.


Q. Has coronavirus Panic hurt your food supply?

A. Yes. I can’t find duck eggs in any grocery stores within 2 hours from me. Luckily I have a farm connection that gave me 4 duck eggs, but I have been trying hard to find a steady replacement source. I’ve exhausted online retailers for snacks and dry goods. We bought a chest freezer, stocked it with bacon and large cuts of meat, and are getting creative with recipes.

Q. How did you end up in joshua tree, ca for 3 years?

A. I moved to San Diego, CA after graduating from UC Berkeley in 2014. The high cost of living coupled with the “sunshine tax” of lower wages meant I was working two jobs to pay for a car I never drove, an apartment I never enjoyed, and dog walkers for my dogs that I didn’t spend enough time seeing. My weekends were spent camping and hiking in one of my favourite places; Joshua Tree National Park. I ended up taking a big leap in 2017 - buying a house and working remotely! I moved away from Joshua Tree in 2021, but hopefully one day we will build our dream farm there.

Q. Why Shiba Inus?

A. I fell in love with Akitas and Shiba Inus on a trip to Japan in 2013. I love that they have so much personality, act like cats, and keep themselves super clean. I got my first Shiba Inu in 2015, and now we have 5 all together!