Hello Maxyne

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Gluten-Free the Right Way

(I had an entirely different post written, but decided to make another post about going Gluten-Free, because my journey has been a difficult one)

Six years after my diagnosis, I cook a LOT, make lots of things from scratch, and eat “strange” meals / snacks. I grow a lot of my own fruit, vegetables, and herbs: pomegranates, lemons, zucchini, basil, mint, etc.
I try to buy produce/meat from the Farmer’s Markets, or from local Farmers I know personally. There’s minimal organic offerings in the local grocery stores where I live, so I do a large produce/meat run one day a week “down the hill” in Palm Springs to Costco, Sprouts, and Whole Foods. Everything else I buy online at Vitacost.


When I first started was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I ran to the nearest grocery store and dumped the entire Gluten-Free section into my cart. I thought Gluten-Free = healthy! So, I ate Gluten-Free blueberry muffins for every meal, and snacked on Gluten-Free brownies in between.

But removing one unhealthy component from your diet, but replacing it with sugar or other inflammatory grains like corn and soy can be just as unhealthy. My advice (like from my previous post about Food Allergies) is to focus on the healthy things you CAN have, and try to eat more of those things. I try to eat as many leafy greens as I can, and while I keep my sugar to a minimum, don’t deprive myself of a cookie or brownie every once in a while (Gluten-Free, of course).


I thought I would lose a lot of weight going Gluten-Free, and I wasn’t right for very long because of all the increased junk calories I was eating. Whatever path you choose to take (Vegan, Vegetarian, Low-Carb, Paleo, Keto, etc), don’t eat things that “technically” fit into these categories. Pure sugar is “technically” Vegan, but your body wouldn’t do very well if you decided to eat that all day. The same with making Paleo pancakes and brownies for every meal.

With any diet you follow, make sure to get a lot of leafy greens, fresh herbs, and healthy fats:

A whole dinner in 15 minutes!

  • A salad with olive oil and lemon is a quick, easy way to get fats and nutrients.

  • Chop up vegetables and throw them into some broth (make it veggie with this broth)

  • Use leftovers from last night, add some eggs into a cast iron pan, and make a Frittata

  • Bake some fish topped with herbs, with add a side of asparagus

Not that you can’t have any fun - I still slip some sugar into my coffee or enjoy Gluten-Free Zucchini Bread. Just try to eat mostly healthy!