4 Vitamins You Should Take Every Day

Also: Why Daily Multivitamins are a Waste of Money

The Standard American Diet (aptly abbreviated SAD) not only contains too many calories, sugars, and processed fats, it also has a lot of gaps in nutrition.

A CDC report found that about 90% of adults in the United States do not meet their daily requirements for vegetables, and that about 80% of adults did not eat enough fruit. This means that over half of adults are nutrient deficient.

Even though the SAD way of life leaves much to be desired, a daily multivitamin is NOT the way to go. Most people do not need multivitamins. I don’t take multivitamins. They’re an unnecessary waste of money. They can cause an excess in certain vitamins, which can be harmful. Also, multivitamins can make you feel like you’re getting adequate amounts of certain vitamins when you are not, perpetuating deficiencies. 

That being said, I do take specific vitamins every day. 

Most people should take the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin B: B12 is a common deficiency in the United States, and Vitamin B6 is especially important for people with absorption disorders (like Celiac Disease or Crohn’s Disease). I take a vitamin B12 spray every day, and a B-Complex once or twice a week. 

  2. Iron: This is not only an American issue; Iron is one of the biggest deficiencies in the world. A third of people who menstruate are iron deficient in the United States. I personally have to take iron daily. The iron supplement tears up my stomach and causes discomfort and cramps, so I try to take it with a large meal that includes dairy products. 

  3. Magnesium: While magnesium was once plentiful in the diet, due to changing farming conditions, food over-processing, and poor eating habits, and the amount of magnesium we consume has been declining. Magnesium is especially important for people with Celiac Disease. You can take magnesium as a pill, a powder, or topically. It can help with migraine relief, digestive issues, muscle repair, and relaxation. In fact, I take my magnesium pill before my nightly shower for it’s relaxing effects. 

  4. Vitamin D: If you live in a cloudy area, or don’t go outside as much as you should, a daily Vitamin D supplement would be very helpful. I live in the desert and do a lot of time outdoors, so I do not need to take this daily. I will take Vitamin D if I spend one too many days inside working or travel to a cloudy area for an extended period of time.

While this is not a comprehensive list of the vitamins (and supplements) that I take every day, these are the most important ones for most people. Of course, you should consult with your doctor about your specific dietary needs.